Segitene nekem valaki ezekben az angol feladatokban?
1.Cross out the quantifier which doas not belong in each sentence.
-There aren't ANY/MANY/NO FOREIGN students at my university.
-Do you need a FEW/ANY/SOME time to decide.
-There isn't ENOUGHT/MUCH/SOME time before we have to leave.
-A FEW/ANY/SOME letters came for you while you were away.
-There are a FEW/A LOT OF/TOO MUCH mistake inthis exercise.
2.Complete the missing word in the sentence.
-A d_____ is a dry place where it never-or almost-rains.
-A b_____ is the imaginary line between two countries.
-The c____ is what the weather is like over a long period.
-An ISLAND is a piece of land which has water on all sides.
3.Complete the sentences.
-___ left at the traffic light.
-After come out of the station,___the road.
-____ walking until you come to a set of traffic lights.
-____ off the bus at the last stop.

Többit meg csináld meg magadtól,mert neki se kezdtél..
-There aren't (ANY)/MANY/NO FOREIGN students at my university.
-Do you need a FEW/(ANY)/SOME time to decide.
-There isn't (ENOUGHT)/MUCH/SOME time before we have to leave.
-A FEW/ANY/(SOME) letters came for you while you were away.
-There are a FEW/A LOT OF/(TOO MUCH) mistake inthis exercise.
3.-ból pedig csak azokat írtam le amiket nem tudtam megcsinálni szóval azt nem tudom..

-There aren't MANY students at my university.
-Do you need SOME time to decide.
-There isn't ENOUGH time before we have to leave.
-A FEW letters came for you while you were away.
-There are A LOT OF mistake inthis exercise.
2.Complete the missing word in the sentence.
-A desert_____ is a dry place where it never-or almost-rains.
-A border_____ is the imaginary line between two countries.
-The climate____ is what the weather is like over a long period.
-An ISLAND is a piece of land which has water on all sides.
3.Complete the sentences.
-Turn_ left at the traffic light.
-After come out of the station,_onto__the road.
-_Keep___ walking until you come to a set of traffic lights.
-_Get___ off the bus at the last stop.

Harmadik sor alulrol.
AFTER. Ez ott volt, vagy Te irtad? Van mas valasztas? VAlahogy nem jol hangzik.

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