Kezdőoldal » Közoktatás, tanfolyamok » Házifeladat kérdések » Valaki segítene írni 5-10...

Valaki segítene írni 5-10 mondatot írni?

Figyelt kérdés

Mothers should stay at home to look after their children until they're old enough to start formal education.

A feladat az lenne,hogy 5-10 mondattal támasszuk alá ezt.

2013. okt. 9. 15:48
 1/2 hunbula ***** válasza:

The early years of a child's life are proven to be the most influential and important. This is the period of acquiring fundamental knowledge about human relationships, feelings; a time when constant emotional feedback and security is essential for a healthy, functional personality to be formed. To provide an environment in which the child gets all the emotional input they need, I consider the idea of one parent staying at home with the child the most beneficial. As the mother is the one who, in the first years, gives not only emotional but also physical nourishment, I think it's only logical for her to stay at home and provide care until the child is old enough to enter formal education. In my opinion this would be incomparably better for the child than being left to be with babysitters who might only care about the money they will receive once they are finished with their bothersome duty. Keeping in mind how important the early years are in a child's life, it is evident that the person who should take care of them during that period is their own loving mother.

Egyébként én szívem szerint kontra érvelést írnék rá, de ettől függetlenül remélem, megfelel. :)

2013. okt. 9. 17:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszi szépen:)!!
2013. okt. 9. 19:39

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