Leellenoriznetek nekem? Present simple.
1.Yupin, you (come) fron thailand. Tell us about life there.
2.Well, I (am) from Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. It's a beautiful city. The weather is usually very hot. It doesnt rain much for most of the year , but during the rainy season it rains almost everdy day.
3.How interesting! Thailand's a popular place for tourists , isnt it?
4.Yes, many people (come )from all over the world. Thai people( like )foreigners very much. At the moment Thailand (makes) a lot of money from tourism.
5.I (have ) visitors from England ....(ide nemtudom mit kell , semmi szo nincs megadva) a problem with the language?
6. Most Thai people( dont understand) English very well, so please (dont speak) too quickly if you go there.
7. What can visitors (learn) about life in Thailand?
8.We (dont invite) people to our homes until we (know) them well, but we are very friendly and we (take) our friends to a restaurant instead. We (have) so many excellent places to eat , and meals (is ) cheap.
9.Why (are) you here in England .Yupin?
10. I (enjoy) travelling , and i(want) to visit many different places in Europe.
11.Well, I (hope) you have a good holiday . Thanks for talking to us.

Alapvetően jók.
A 8-adiknál az "and meals is cheap" így nem jó, de valószínű te irtad most el, "meal" van ott "meals" helyett, ugye?
Az 5.-nél az "I have visitors from England" nyelvtanilag jó, de a párbeszédbe nem illik bele, hisz Angliában vannak. Olyan értelmű dolog kellene inkább oda, hogy az angol beszélgető fél el szeretne menni Thaiföldre, de az a mondat többi részével nem hozható össze. A mondat vége olyasmi lehet, hogy "Do you have a problem with the language?".
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