Átnéznétek nekem ezt a két, angol tanácsadó levélrészletet? (Szöveg lent! )
Légyszi írjátok le a szerkezeti hibákat. Legnagyobb gondjaim az "only" helyes használatával, mondatba való behelyezésével volt.
1. The boys not only see beautiful thin and pretty girs. You should come to believe that you are beautiful. If you will believe it, boys will believe it too and they will initiate then you.
You have been told 100 times, to lose weight. Simple. You can gice up eating those delicious cakes. You must decide what is more important and they must be able to kepp to decision because it only will be successful.
2.The first thing, what is the most important is, to understand that the other boys in yours class are not necessarily more handsome or cleverer than you. You should sometimes going out and making friends. You should join a dance school, where you can learn to dance and you can get friend. You must decide to you go or stay at home.

The boys do not see only the...
....and they will initiate you then.
You were told(szenvedő szerkezet kell, el lett neked mondva) thousand times to lose weight.
It's simple.
You can give up..
"they must be able to kepp to decision because it only will be successful. "
Mond hogy ezzel mit akartál mondani mert nem vágom:D de a keppnél gondolom a keepre gondoltál.:D ha az utolsó tagmondatban azt akartad, hogy "mert csak akkor lesz sikeres" akkor az it will be successful only in this way.
2.the most important thing is understand that...
in YOUR class
more clever
sometimes go out(miért kéne ing, ez egy tipikus példa a present simple tensere)
joint to a dance school
you must decide: go out or stay at home.
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