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Angol házi, nem értem! :S?

Figyelt kérdés

na szóval a feladat:

Find the synonim of the following idioms.

ezt még értem, szinonimák

a tényleges feladat:

1 at the eleventh hour

2 every now and then

3 it's high time

4 once in a blue moon (milyen kék hold??)

5 in the nick of time

6 in no time (na ezt még értem)

7 in the long run

8 on the double

9 for the time being

10 out of the blue

na a szinonimák:

a) from time to time

b) in avery short time

c) very rarely

d) it's long overdue (that)

e) in the end, in the final result

f) suddenly, unexpectedly

g) at the moment, temporarily

h) at the last possible second

i) at the last possible moment

j) fast, quickly

2012. febr. 15. 14:51
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

1. at the eleventh hour = i) at the last possible moment

2. every now and then = a) from time to time

3. it's high time = d) it's long overdue (that)

4. once in a blue moon = c) very rarely (nagyon ritkán)

5. in the nick of time = at the last possible second

6. in no time = b) in a very short time

7. in the long run = e) in the end, in the final result

8. on the double = j) fast, quickly

9. for the time being = g) at the moment, temporarily

10. out of the blue = f) suddenly, unexpectedly

szerintem így lesz :)

2012. febr. 15. 15:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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