Nyelvtanilag helyes ez az angol szöveg?

They live in Europe and South Africa,eating fish,little rodents and frogs.
They don't hibernate at all.(egy kis plusz (; )
In late autumn.....
The are characteristically large birds,and able to grow to 100-115 cms (am ink inch,vagy nem tudom,miben mérik.) high.
Their body is mostly dirty white.
All of them deal with their enemy like it would be an evil god who they should be afraid of,for example the stork.
In Hungary they are protected,but some people might find it exasperating how they build rests to themselves to the top of people's chimneys or poles-but they had better think before making bad decisions,because white stork's goodwill is 100000 Fts.
(kicsit színesítettem,mert sok volt a they kezdetű rövid mondat.amit nem javítottam ki,azt tökéletesnek találtam.)

Bocsi,a 4. mondat 'They',lemaradt az y....
És nincs mit!:)
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