ANGOLUL, valaki aki tud segíteni!? (lent)
2005. május 12. angol érettségi íráskészség-nél valaki segítene levelet írni? ez a feladat:
You go to an English course. You usually have four lessons a week, but next week you cannot atted lessons on two days. Write an e-mail to your teacher, Mr. Hughes, including the following:
Tell him on which days you will miss lessons
Explain why you can't atted the lessons
Ask him about homework
Write an e-mail of about 50 words.
és még lenne egy másik levél is ha valaki tud segíteni írjon kérem!! :)

Dear Mr. Hughes,
I'm writing to you because unfortunately I can't attend two of the lessons next week. I am really sorry about it. I can't attend the lessons on Monday and on Tuesday because I have to visit my grandmother in the hospital. I would like you to send me the homework assignments or tell me what the homework will be.
Thank you in advance,
keresztnév vezetéknév.
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