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Ellenőrizzétek már le, hogy a mondatok helyesek-e!?!

Figyelt kérdés

My last holidays were my longest holidays, and I think that I learnt how to spend the time. I enjoyed a lot with my friends, and my family, and I met new people too, because I was in different places during the summer, and I wanted to meet people everywhere.

The first place I visited was Calpe, a town in Alicante, because I was invited for some days by a friend who has a house there. I went with some friends, and we spent there just five days, but it was enough time to want to come back next summer! We stayed on the beach for hours, in the mornings, just lying and asleep, taking enough energy for the rest of the day and for the night! At night, we went out until next morning. We danced, met people, walked near the beach... while we watched the moon in silence.

Next, I went to Paris with my parents and my sister. Actually, I did not go to Paris, I went to Disneyland. We stayed there for four days, and it was really unforgettable. When I saw the park, I opened my eyes the most I could and I did not close them until the night at the hotel. I felt like a little girl again.

Finally, I was in Salou. My parents looked for a really relaxing time, and we were on the beach for some days. There, we did not visit anything, we were there just to rest. After those days, we came back to Madrid, and, unfortunately, we had to start our routines again.

Előre is köszönöm!!!:)

2011. jan. 26. 19:44
 1/3 A kérdező kommentje:
És ha van benne javítsátok már ki légyszíves!Köszi:)
2011. jan. 26. 19:48
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Kicsit átfogalmaztam.. :)

My last holiday was my longest holiday, and I think, I learnd how I can spend time. I enjoyed the holiday with my friends and with my family so much, and I met new people too, because I was in different places during the summer.

The first place I visited was Calpe, a town in Alicante, because I was invited for some days by a friend who has a house there. I went to Calpe with some friends, and we spent there only five days, but it was enough time to know about the town, the customs and the cultural life. I was fascinated and decided to come back next summer!We went to the beach int he morning where we didin’t make any beneficial things, we swam and sunbathed and tried to take enough energy for the night! At night, we went out until next morning. We danced, met people, walked near the beach... while we watched the moon in silence.

Next, I went to Paris with my parents and my sister. Actually, I did not go to Paris, I went to Disneyland. We stayed there for four days, and it was really unforgettable. When I saw the park, I felt like a little girl again.

Finally, I was in Salou. My parents looked for a really relaxing time, and we were on the beach for some days. There, we did not visit anything, we were there just to rest. After those days, we came back to Madrid, and, unfortunately, we had to start our routines again.

2011. jan. 26. 20:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm szépen:)
2011. jan. 26. 20:39

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