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Segít nekem valaki? (fogalmazás angolra)

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szóval kellene nekem egy 15 mondatos fogalmazás a Harry Potter c. filmről angol órára..örülnék, ha tudna segíteni valaki megírni :)))
2010. nov. 28. 12:20
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Nem egy volt belole hanem 7. Nem irod megis melyikrol kell irni, vagy talan osszegezve?

15 mondatben nehez leirni hogy megis mirol szoltak. Egy mas szoget valsztottam. Inkabb egy kis bemutatot/bevezetot, hogy serkentse az erdeklodest.

Magyar szembol irtam, de buzditva angol olvasasara, es a nyelv tanulasara.

Have you seen J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series?

Let me ask this again. Have you watched the Harry Potter series in English? Many English learners name Harry Potter as their favourite movie and book. The seven part fantasy series has attracted millions of movie watchers of all ages from all over the world.

Why do so many people love Harry Potter?

Harry is an orphan. Many popular tales start out with the main character losing one or both parents. Think of all of the popular Disney movies. Most of them start this way!

Harry is loveable. For a book to be successful, the main character has to be adored by the readers. The average person can relate to Harry Potter, despite his unusual lifestyle.

Harry is magic. The public love to read books and watch movies about wonder. Perhaps this is a form of escape from our own reality.

Harry has his fair share of trouble. Conflict is the key to a good story. The Harry Potter movies are mesmerising. Once they catch your interest, you are hooked, you want to see them all.

The books are available in over 60 languages. However, if Harry Potter is truly your “favourite movie” why not watch the movie and read the books in English? Reading a translation or watching a movie with Hungarian subtitles is not the same as reading or seeing the original. You lose part of the author’s true vision for the book.

2010. nov. 28. 12:59
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 A kérdező kommentje:
nagyon köszi, végülis mind1 lenne melyikről, talán az első tartalmáról kéne pár mondat, ha esetleg meg tudnád irni nagyon megköszönném :))
2010. nov. 28. 13:59
 3/5 A kérdező kommentje:

Mondjuk olyanra jó lenne a fogalmazás:

-Bevezető (hol, mikor játszódik, műfaja)

-Karakterek (1-2 szóban)

-Az első rész történései max. 5-6 mondat

-befejező (miért a kedvencem meg ilyen ) - opinion

Nagyon megköszönném, ha megírnád :))) mert holnap ebből felelünk, de még csak elsős vagyok szóval nem kellene olyan bonyolultan :)

2010. nov. 28. 14:06
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Harry Potter spent the first ten years of his life living with his aunt and uncle and spoilt cousin Dudley. They let him live with them when his parents are murdered by the evil Lord Voldemort but they hate the fact that he is not ‘normal’. He has to live in the cupboard under the stairs and is not even noticed when he walks into a room or talks. Then, a letter arrives from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry by the giant Hagrid and puts Harry into the world of wizards where he is famous as the only survivor of Voldemort’s curse. The proof is evident as a scar on his forehead.

Potter and the Sorcere's stone (ez volt az elso konyv es film) is about a boy named Harry Potter who is famous in the magic world and doesn't know it.

Harry has his fair share of trouble.

If you have seen the first part, you will want to see them all.

2010. nov. 28. 14:39
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 A kérdező kommentje:
nagyon szépen köszii :))
2010. nov. 28. 15:16

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