Angol háziban kellene segítség! Humoros szöveget kell írni (8-10 mondat) az alábbi szavak felhasználásával!?
van 3 témakör és nem tudok egyikhez sem írni...
1.) wildlife park 2.) go punting 3.)farm
wild animals river newborn animals
find fall into bull
mouse drop run after
rucksack catch wear a red shirt
pocket dog fall
walk fetch run past
watch wet see its
favourite plant
take back funny hungry
be frightened boatman shout for help
semmi ötletem nincs hogy kezdjek hozzá lécci segítsen valaki!!!!!!!!
bocsi összefolyt a szöveg...
1.) wildlife park, wild animals, find, mouse, rucksack, pocket, walk, watch, take back, be fightened
2.) go puting, river, fall into, drop, catch, dog, fetch, wet, funny, boatmen
3.) farm, newborn animals, bull, run after, wear a red shirt, fall, run past, see its favourite plant, hungry, shout for help

Nem éppen vicces, de valami:
I had a bad dream the other day. I was in a wildlife park with many foreign people. Suddenly I was left alone and I found myself surrounded by scary, big wild animals. I searched my pockets and looked into my rucksack to find something I could defend myself with, but I only found a useless, old watch. I was really frightened but suddenly I was taken back to my childhood. I was about 8 years old, I was standing on the road in front of our house and a huge mouse with bloody vampire teeth was approaching me. It almost reached me, when I woke up.
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