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Hogyan kell ezt mesélni? Angol szöveg

Figyelt kérdés

Átkellene az 1.személyből 3.személybe a mondatokat hogy mesélni lehessen a szöveget. (hímnem)

-When were you happiest?

-Before I realised my parents, sister and I were all mortal.


-What is your greatest fear?

-Besides death? Stansing on stage in front of thousands of people, forgetting what happens next, but knowing I'm supposed to be doing it. Also, being in the ocean alone and feeling something large brush against my leg.


-What is your earliest memory?

-Diving off a piece of furniture and onto my parents' bed.


-Is it better to give or to receive?

-I am always happier giving, rather than receiving, a gift - and happiest when I give anonymously.


-When did you last cry, and why?

-Three days ago, when I saw the film, La Vie en Rose. It reminded me how brief our time is here, and how wonderful it is to fall in love.

Előre is köszönöm a segítségeteket

2010. okt. 3. 19:04
 1/2 anonim válasza:

-When was he/she happiest?

-Before he/she realised his/her parents,(his/her) sister and he/she were all mortal.

-What is his/her greatest fear?

-Besides death? Standing on stage in front of thousands of people, forgetting what happens next, but knowing he/she is supposed to be doing it. Also, being in the ocean alone and feeling something large brush against her/his leg.

-What is her/his earliest memory?

-Diving off a piece of furniture and onto her/his parents' bed.

-Is it better to give or to receive?

-He/She is always happier giving, rather than receiving, a gift - and happiest when he/she gives anonymously.

-When does he/she last cry, and why?

-Three days ago, when he/she saw the film, La Vie en Rose. It reminded him/her how brief their time is here, and how wonderful it is to fall in love.

2010. okt. 6. 18:46
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
Véégre,nagyon szépen köszönöm :) ment a zöld nyilacska :)
2010. okt. 6. 19:12

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