Angol fogalmazas,help me pls.Kb.100 szavas fogalmazas kene,aki jo angolbol tud segiteni?

Figyelt kérdés

Imagine you have some british friends in the Uk,and you stayed with them for a week last month.Write an email to say thank you.Plan what you,re goinh to say.Use 1-6 in a.

1.she apologizes for not writing before

2.she thanks them for her stay and says how much shw enjoyed it

3.She talks about the nice things that happened when she was with them

4.She talks about what she's been doing recently

5.she promises to send some photos

6.She thanks them again and invites them to say

#angol #fogalmazás #Informal letter
2020. nov. 12. 10:21
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
te most azt várod hogy megírjuk neked?
2020. nov. 12. 10:54
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 anonim ***** válasza:

Dear Millie,

I am apologising for not writing earlier. I need to study a lot, and I am busy.

I would like to thank you that I could stay with you for a week in the Uk. I really enjoyed it, it was a wonderful experience. Do you remember when we visited the Covent Garden? It was really nice. Moreover, it was so amusing when we went to the bar and had a couple of drinks with your friends, right?

I mentioned that I have to study a lot. I took up yoga recently, because it makes me calm down and it’s good for my body, too. I promise, I’ll send you some pictures. I improved a lot!

Thanks again for the time I could spend with you. I would be happy if you visited me soon.



2020. nov. 12. 15:27
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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