Valaki leforditana angolrol magyara ezt a kis szoveget? Szerintem nagyon hasznos kis oldal ez, kiprobaltam es muxik.
szoveg ezen a linken msn blokolasokat jelzi es hasonlo csak nem ertem teljesen...........
az kene h az egyes funkciok mire valok
Mass Delete Checker
<<<<This tool will connect with the MSN servers, then use your supplied .NET Passport account information to login and retrieve your current contacts list. This data is then parsed for users on your list who have deleted you.
Mass Reverse Delete Checker
<<<<<<<< This tool will connect with the MSN servers, then use your supplied .NET Passport account information to login and retrieve your current contacts list. This data is then parsed for other contacts which have been removed from your list already, but which still have you on their list.
Block Check
<<<<<<<<<<<<<This tool will connect with the MSN servers, and then check whether or not the .NET Passport address you specified can be detected as being online. Please note that many passport accounts are not capable of having their status checked.
Anonymous Messenger
<<<<<<<<<<<< This tool allows you to send an anonymous message to any MSN Messenger user, regardless of whether or not they are currently on your list, or have you blocked.
Contact List Rebuilder
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This tool is meant for MSN users experiencing problems with corrupted lists; primarily, when others are unable to see your true online status, or when you get numerous "Add Contact" requests upon signing into your account with MSN Messenger.
Profile Viewer
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Need to check an MSN profile that isn\'t on your list? Or, do you use an MSN Messenger client incapable of profile viewing? If so, this tool will come in very handy!
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