Letudja nekem valaki ezt forditani? Kb. a felét értem, de a többi része eléggé zavaros:S
In addition, there is a parameter defined at system generation time that indicates the maximum number of „Wait“commands that can be consecutively transmitted by a receiving node. This parameter, called the “Maximum Number of Flow Control Wait Frame Transmissions (WFTmax)”, is a system design constant that is local to the communication peers and is not part of the Flow Control frame. The purpose of his parameter is to prevent the sender node from waiting indefinitely if a potential fault condition exists with the receiver node or in the communications systems. This parameter is only used in the receiving network node during message reception.
If this system-defined parameter is set to zero, then the Flow Control shall rely solely upon the normal “Clear to Send” command, and the Flow Control “Wait” command will not be supported. If the parameter is set to a non-zero value, then the maximum number of repetitive wait frame transmission is fixed for a give segmented message and cannot exceed this system-defined value.
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