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Miért van az, hogy az Illumináti zenéjéről egy kórház ugrik be, ahol válságos állapotban lévő sérülteket tologatnak az intenzív osztályra?

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Lehet, hogy hülye vagyok és furcsa kérdést tettem fel. De ez miért van?

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2018. jan. 7. 00:26
1 2
 1/14 A kérdező kommentje:
Illetve kómában lévő emberek, akik ilyen zöld ruhákban tartózkodnak.
2018. jan. 7. 00:28
 2/14 A kérdező kommentje:

Vagy ez valami betegséghez köthető?

Vannak rossz emlékeim kórházból még a kiskoromból. De anyám nem mesélte, hogy intenzív osztályon lettem volna valaha.


2018. jan. 7. 00:30
 3/14 anonim válasza:
és az orvosok így hirtelen elkezdenek rohanni egy ággyal amin a beteg van hogy úristen súlyos állapotban van. gyorsan hozzátok a töltöttkáposztát de gyorsan mert nyakonverlek nemlátod hogy szenved.
2018. jan. 7. 00:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/14 A kérdező kommentje:

De most legyetek szívesek komolyan válaszolni.

Szerintetek ez mitől lehet? Hallottam már ezekről a zenéhez köthető dolgokhoz. De nem emlékszem rá. És azt sem tudom, hogy hol olvastam.

2018. jan. 7. 00:46
 5/14 anonim válasza:
Nekem is vannak hasonlók. Néhány zenéhez nekem is kapcsolódik egy hely. Az egyikhez pl a suli öltöző :'D Én sem tudom miért van. Engem is érdekelne :D
2018. jan. 7. 01:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/14 anonim válasza:
X-Aktákban biztos volt olyan epizód.
2018. jan. 7. 02:02
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/14 anonim válasza:

Ilyenre gondolsz?


2018. jan. 7. 02:04
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 8/14 anonim ***** válasza:

Az nem az illimunati zenéje. Az X-aktáké. Azért ugrik be a korház, mert amikor az X-akták bejött, akkor kezdték azt az amcsi korházsorozatot adni és annak is hasonló zenéje van

Ez a hivatalos Illuminati himnusza

2018. jan. 7. 02:10
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 9/14 anonim ***** válasza:

Illuminati, you've come to take control

You can take my heartbeat

But you can't break my soul

We all shall be free

[Verse 1]

Lucifer Son of the morning, shalom, good day good morning

All of the living are mourning, he affixes sixes on them

But didn't the scripture warn them? delivered the revelations?

Still they debatin Satan's use of major corporations

Remember the plantation, remember the black enslavement

Remember the soul debasin, globe defacin, hidden persuaders

Remember your colonization, colonial education

Ignorance and nger sit, we get from the radio station

Performers are getting younger, the dresses are getting shorter

It's funny how these pedophiles market your sons and daughters

Target and breech your borders, kidnap your seeds deport them

Transport them over overseas where devils fiend auction and bought them

In ayiti someone caught them, if these are the seeds we lost them

Tossed them to hell they fell for what his system taught them

Gimmie a minute to prove this, call it conspiracy theory

You never knew what the truth is, be sure that my enemy hear me

[Verse 2]

All of this talk about Jay Z, being Illuminati

Or whether they got to Kanye, or whether or not they both gay?

This is irrelevant subtext, call it celebrity gossip

Your taking it out of the context of Lucifer's pertinent subjects

We live in the projects, we descend from slaves

A lot of us don't even got shit, and do anything to get paid

Who Jigga? that nigga ain't Satan, and West just hood at best

And If they homo, I do not know and I could care less

Nahh they ain't the Bilderbergers, nahh they ain't the Rothschild's

That's right they da Rockefeller's... nahh that's just dem niggas style

Illuminati sellin your mind soul and body

And they ain't ever need no rappers to accomplish that

Rhythm I ride on top of that, given you the truth so copy that

Soon the economy collapse, great tribulation after that

Skull and cross bone pirate hats, British west indies company cats

We call that Steve Cokely raps, Illuminati coming but I'll be back

[Verse 3]

Before they collapse the market, they're criminalizing farming

They're silencing you for talking, while turning us all into peasants

Agricultural patents, ConAgra created the famines

Monsanto's seeds that terminate the natural birthing action

Controlling the food supply, choosing who should live or die

Confusion rules you choose the lie, illusion illuminates your mind

These are the last times, spend them getting organized

Victory be with the strongest tribe, the ones that forge the tightest ties

The light is ours, they're the sons of darkness in disguise

Edom's fall is Jacob's rise, so the prophets prophesized

Cecil Rhodes mining more than just De-beers

We're rewinding through the years but you would rather drink da beers

While your peers disappear, off the corner every year

Prison population risin' abortion clinics everywhere

Truth is they don't want us here, there's no cotton left to pick

Physical labor is redundant, secret shifts in politics


All this talk about Illuminati

Y'all running around here acting like rappers got something to do with this, you gotta be kidding me man

You got major corporations producing seeds that don't produce seeds son

You understand? It's called a terminating seed man, they creating famine

They selling farmers seeds that don't create seeds, so when you plant your seed and pull your harvest, you can't grow any food for yourself

You have to keep coming back to them to buy more seeds son

This is going to depopulate the planet son, this is man-made famine, this is Illuminati son

This is what we dealing with out here

This ain't got nothing to do with Jay-Z spitting a rhyme

This ain't got nothing to do with Jay-Z wearing an Aleister Crowley quote on his shirt

It's deeper than that man, it's much bigger than that

You running around here acting like you don't see 80% of all sterilization clinics in your hood, in your community, in the name of planned parenthood

Because they plan for there to be no parents in the hood son

Know what I mean?

80% of all sterilization efforts around the world are taking place in non white countries son

You act like you don't know

I mean, I ain't talking about what happened 250 years ago, I ain't even talking about channel slavery

Not that i'd be wrong to do it son (?)

I'm talking about 250 seconds ago son

250 seconds ago they privatizing education son

They about to stop your kids from being taught anything

You running around here talking about a rapper man

You running around here talking about who gay, who ain't gay man, get out of town son

Illuminati, he already here man, he already got you

2018. jan. 7. 02:14
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 10/14 A kérdező kommentje:

#7 Olyan orvosok szaladgálnak, igen.

De egy kórteremben is beugrik, amely tele van eszméletlen betegekkel.

2018. jan. 7. 08:59
1 2

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