Kettest akar tenni az angol tanárom, feladott 14 bonyolult mondatot, ha nem fordítom le, megszivat és beteszi a kettest. Segítene valaki, mert nem megy?
1. He had met the woman at last--the woman that he had thought little about, not being given to thinking about women,
2. This was the man Dorian Gray was waiting for.
3. Eight Street Bridge is the place.
4. And at the instant he knew, he ceasad to know.
5. That's the Barney, that has the ugly doughter.
6. „ You’ ve heard of Hallward?” — „I’m the man”
7. „ The Mr. Jardyce, sir, whose story I have heard?”
8. When she smiled he saw the Pat he had known, the Pat smiling at him from worn photo, that still lay in the pocket-book against his heart.
9. If I ever saw a man hopelessly herd up it was the man in front of me.
10. He had uttered a mad wish that he himself might remain young, and the portrait grow old.
11. It was his beauty that ruined him, his beauty and the youth that he had prayed for.
12. „ Take the thing off the face. I wish to see it.”
13. I know the age better than you do, though you will prate about it so tediously.
14. The next night, of course, I arrived at the place again.

Akkor bocsánat.
Egyáltalán nem úgy beszélsz, mint akinek nem anyanyelve a magyar.
(Az anyanyelvűek is írnak ilyesmit sajnos, ha tudom, hogy te külföldi vagy, akkor nyilván nem cikizlek ki a rontás miatt.)
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