Melyik része érdekelne? Oroszország elég nagy, na...
És általánosítani sem lehet. Vidéken, pl. Szibéria, összetartóbbak a kisebb közösségek, míg városban nem annyira.

Minszk? xDDD
Végülis Fehéroroszország is egy fajta "Oroszország"...

Moszkvai barátom véleménye Oroszországról:
(Angolul van, remélem nem baj)
Kérdésem tőle: Can you tell me about Russia? Do you like it? What is your favourite thing? What are you don't like/hate?
Válasz: Oh okay, of course.
It's a bit hard question, because I have very mixed feelings about it.
In short, I love Russia, but it's hard to live there (and I want to move somewhere).
I really like the Russian nature. These forests, rivers, lakes, seas and other things. In some ways it's good country for tourism. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Irkutsk (because of Baikal :D) etc. These are the cities that are really worth visiting.
Also there are many good people (but in all countries always find any bad people).
And some parts of our culture and history are interesting.
What I hate?
These bad people, goverment and mentality.
And sometimes bad people depends on mentality (because USSR).
There's some examples:
1. Okay. There is a bus. And we see one old woman in that bus. Bus is almost empty, but she's approaching young man and then that old lady demands he give her a seat. Despite the fact that the bus is almost empty and many places are not occupied. And this old woman begins to hysteria, because " today's youth is ill-mannered, in our time it was different!"
2. There is some mothers. And they think their child is God. Yes. He can do anything. Yes. Anything. He takes a sweet from shop without paying? It's a child, he can. He took the stranger's phone out of his bag? It's a child, he can. He killed someone's dog? It's a child, he can, it was just the useless dog. And there's really many mothers like that. It's sad.
3. "All people in the world is bad. Especially Americans. Besides Russians. Russians is the best. Our country is the greatest." -- it's favourite phrase of patriots. They think all people hate Russians. And also they think that all people from USA and Europian Union want to destroy Russia. But the most part of these people are really egoistic.
I don't want to talk about policy. But many Russians live bad because of goverment. All aspects of life are really bad in our country. Medicine? It's bad. Education? It's bad. Economics? It's bad.
What goverment did after New Year? Raised prices. Although before that everything was expensive.
I wouldn't be surprised if the revolution started sooner or later.
Yes, my opinion a bit negative. And also I can be wrong.
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