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Ezt kövesd, én is ezt követem. Amit ide felraknak az nem pánikkeltés meg kamu. Kiírják azt is, hány fertőzött van, gyógyult, elhunyt, karanténban levő ember és teszt Magyarországon és a Földön.
USA 493,426 +24,860 18,331 +1,640 26,783 448,312 10,896 1,491 55 2,502,643 7,561
Spain 157,053 +3,831 15,970 +523 55,668 85,415 7,371 3,359 342 355,000 7,593
Italy 147,577 +3,951 18,849 +570 30,455 98,273 3,497 2,441 312 906,864 14,999
France 124,869 +7,120 13,197 +987 24,932 86,740 7,004 1,913 202 333,807 5,114
Germany 121,045 +2,810 2,728 +121 53,913 64,404 4,895 1,445 33 1,317,887 15,730
China 81,907 +42 3,336 +1 77,455 1,116 144 57 2
UK 73,758 +8,681 8,958 +980 135 64,665 1,559 1,086 132 316,836 4,667
Iran 68,192 +1,972 4,232 +122 35,465 28,495 3,969 812 50 242,568 2,888
Turkey 47,029 +4,747 1,006 +98 2,423 43,600 1,667 558 12 307,210 3,643
Belgium 26,667 +1,684 3,019 +496 5,568 18,080 1,278 2,301 260 84,248 7,269
Switzerland 24,551 +500 1,002 +54 11,100 12,449 386 2,837 116 178,500 20,625
Netherlands 23,097 +1,335 2,511 +115 250 20,336 1,424 1,348 147 101,534 5,926
Canada 22,046 +1,281 556 +47 5,834 15,656 518 584 15 370,315 9,812
Brazil 19,638 +1,493 1,057 +103 173 18,408 296 92 5 62,985 296
Portugal 15,472 +1,516 435 +26 233 14,804 226 1,517 43 123,564 12,118
Austria 13,555 +311 319 +24 6,064 7,172 261 1,505 35 134,743 14,961
Russia 11,917 +1,786 94 +18 795 11,028 8 82 0.6 1,090,000 7,469
S. Korea 10,450 +27 208 +4 7,117 3,125 55 204 4 503,051 9,812
Israel 10,408 +440 95 +9 1,183 9,130 124 1,202 11 117,339 13,557
Sweden 9,685 +544 870 +77 381 8,434 749 959 86 54,700 5,416
Ireland 8,089 +1,515 287 +24 25 7,777 194 1,638 58 53,000 10,734
India 7,598 +873 246 +19 774 6,578 6 0.2 189,111 137
Ecuador 7,161 +2,196 297 +25 368 6,496 171 406 17 21,568 1,222
Chile 6,501 +529 65 +8 1,571 4,865 70 340 3 72,797 3,808
Norway 6,314 +95 113 +5 32 6,169 70 1,165 21 123,170 22,720
Australia 6,203 +51 53 +2 3,141 3,009 74 243 2 338,346 13,269
Poland 5,955 +380 181 +7 318 5,456 160 157 5 118,295 3,126
Peru 5,897 +641 169 +31 1,569 4,159 130 179 5 56,681 1,719
Denmark 5,819 +184 247 +10 1,773 3,799 113 1,005 43 64,731 11,176
Czechia 5,674 +105 119 +7 346 5,209 98 530 11 114,854 10,725
Japan 5,530 +183 99 685 4,746 109 44 0.8 64,387 509
Romania 5,467 +265 270 +22 729 4,468 183 284 14 55,430 2,881
Pakistan 4,695 +206 66 +1 727 3,902 45 21 0.3 54,706 248
Malaysia 4,346 +118 70 +3 1,830 2,446 69 134 2 69,675 2,153
Philippines 4,195 +119 221 +18 140 3,834 1 38 2 24,500 224
Saudi Arabia 3,651 +364 47 +3 685 2,919 57 105 1 115,585 3,320
Indonesia 3,512 +219 306 +26 282 2,924 13 1 17,679 65
Mexico 3,441 +260 194 +20 633 2,614 89 27 2 31,492 244
UAE 3,360 +370 16 +2 418 2,926 1 340 2 593,095 59,967
Luxembourg 3,223 +108 54 +2 500 2,669 30 5,149 86 28,273 45,166
Serbia 3,105 +238 71 +5 118 2,916 136 355 8 14,240 1,630
Finland 2,769 +164 48 +6 300 2,421 82 500 9 41,200 7,436
Panama 2,752 66 16 2,670 107 638 15 11,776 2,729
Dominican Republic 2,620 +271 126 +8 98 2,396 147 242 12 7,936 732
Qatar 2,512 +136 6 227 2,279 37 872 2 45,339 15,737
Thailand 2,473 +50 33 +1 1,013 1,427 61 35 0.5 71,860 1,030
Colombia 2,223 69 174 1,980 85 44 1 34,910 686
Ukraine 2,203 +311 69 +12 61 2,073 33 50 2 23,522 538
Singapore 2,108 +198 7 +1 492 1,609 29 360 1 72,680 12,423
Greece 2,011 +56 92 +5 269 1,650 77 193 9 35,532 3,409
South Africa 2,003 +69 24 +6 410 1,569 7 34 0.4 73,028 1,231
Belarus 1,981 +495 19 +3 169 1,793 72 210 2 53,000 5,609
Argentina 1,894 81 +2 375 1,438 96 42 2 16,379 362
Egypt 1,794 +95 135 +17 384 1,275 18 1 25,000 244
Algeria 1,761 +95 256 +21 405 1,100 46 40 6 3,359 77
Iceland 1,675 +27 7 +1 751 917 11 4,909 21 34,125 100,002
Croatia 1,495 +88 21 +1 231 1,243 34 364 5 14,612 3,559
Morocco 1,448 +74 107 +10 122 1,219 1 39 3 7,239 196
Moldova 1,438 +149 29 56 1,353 80 356 7 6,271 1,555
New Zealand 1,283 +44 2 +1 373 908 5 266 0.4 55,685 11,548
Iraq 1,279 +47 70 +1 550 659 32 2 32,158 800
Estonia 1,258 +51 24 93 1,141 9 948 18 27,883 21,019
Hungary 1,190 +210 77 +11 112 1,001 17 123 8 29,948 3,100
Slovenia 1,160 +36 45 +2 137 978 36 558 22 33,047 15,896
Lithuania 999 +44 22 +6 54 923 14 367 8 36,051 13,243
Kuwait 993 +83 1 123 869 26 233 0.2
Azerbaijan 991 +65 10 +1 159 822 27 98 1.0 61,342 6,050
Hong Kong 990 +16 4 309 677 15 132 0.5 96,709 12,900
Armenia 937 +16 12 +2 149 776 30 316 4 6,081 2,052
Bahrain 925 +38 6 +1 539 380 3 544 4 57,681 33,899
Bosnia and Herzegovina 901 +43 36 +1 129 736 4 275 11 6,911 2,106
Cameroon 820 +17 12 98 710 31 0.5
Kazakhstan 812 +31 10 +2 64 738 21 43 0.5 61,955 3,300
Slovakia 715 +14 2 23 690 5 131 0.4 22,957 4,205
Diamond Princess 712 11 619 82 10
North Macedonia 711 +48 32 +2 41 638 15 341 15 6,571 3,154
Tunisia 671 +28 25 25 621 78 57 2 10,087 853
Bulgaria 635 +17 25 +1 54 556 33 91 4 18,502 2,663
Uzbekistan 624 +42 3 42 579 8 19 0.09 70,000 2,091
Latvia 612 +23 3 16 593 3 324 2 26,656 14,132
Lebanon 609 +27 20 +1 76 513 28 89 3 13,530 1,982
Andorra 601 +18 26 +1 71 504 17 7,778 337 1,673 21,653
Cyprus 595 +31 10 58 527 11 493 8 16,308 13,507
Cuba 564 +49 15 51 498 11 50 1 12,023 1,061
Costa Rica 558 +19 3 42 513 13 110 0.6 6,298 1,236
Afghanistan 521 +37 15 32 474 13 0.4
Oman 484 +27 3 109 372 3 95 0.6
Uruguay 473 +17 7 206 260 13 136 2 6,856 1,974
Ivory Coast 444 3 52 389 17 0.1
Burkina Faso 443 24 146 273 21 1
Bangladesh 424 +94 27 +6 33 364 1 3 0.2 7,359 45
Albania 416 +7 23 182 211 7 145 8 3,385 1,176
Niger 410 11 40 359 17 0.5 4,251 176
Channel Islands 398 +37 9 +1 40 349 2,289 52 1,157 6,655
Honduras 382 +39 23 7 352 10 39 2 1,600 162
Taiwan 382 +2 6 +1 91 285 16 0.3 43,886 1,843
Réunion 382 +20 40 342 3 427
Ghana 378 6 4 368 2 12 0.2 37,405 1,204
Jordan 372 7 170 195 5 36 0.7 17,000 1,666
Malta 350 +13 2 16 332 4 793 5 13,732 31,100
San Marino 344 +11 34 50 260 14 10,138 1,002 846 24,933
Mauritius 318 +4 9 +2 23 286 3 250 7 6,730 5,292
Kyrgyzstan 298 +18 5 +1 35 258 5 46 0.8 9,618 1,474
Nigeria 288 7 51 230 2 1 0.03 5,000 24
Bolivia 268 +4 19 +1 2 247 3 23 2 591 51
Palestine 267 +4 2 +1 45 220 52 0.4 16,068 3,150
Senegal 265 +15 2 137 126 1 16 0.1
Vietnam 257 +2 144 113 8 3 118,807 1,221
Montenegro 255 +3 2 4 249 7 406 3 2,329 3,708
Georgia 234 +16 3 54 177 6 59 0.8 3,271 820
DRC 215 +35 20 +2 13 182 2 0.2
Isle of Man 201 +11 1 103 97 11 2,364 12 1,934 22,744
Guinea 194 11 183 15
Mayotte 191 +7 2 50 139 4 700 7 1,300 4,765
Sri Lanka 190 7 54 129 5 9 0.3 3,248 152
Kenya 189 +5 7 22 160 2 4 0.1 5,278 98
Faeroe Islands 184 145 39 3,766 5,408 110,677
Venezuela 171 9 84 78 6 6 0.3 139,282 4,898
Martinique 154 6 50 98 19 410 16
Djibouti 150 +10 1 36 113 152 1 3,740 3,785
Guadeloupe 143 8 67 68 13 357 20
Brunei 136 +1 1 99 36 3 311 2 9,342 21,354
Paraguay 129 +5 6 +1 18 105 1 18 0.8 2,262 317
Gibraltar 127 +4 69 58 1 3,770 1,543 45,799
Guatemala 126 +31 3 17 106 3 7 0.2 1,134 63
Cambodia 119 72 47 1 7 5,768 345
Rwanda 118 +5 7 111 9 806 62
El Salvador 117 +14 6 15 96 4 18 0.9
Trinidad and Tobago 109 8 1 100 78 6 1,045 747
Madagascar 93 11 82 1 3
Monaco 90 +6 1 5 84 4 2,293 25
Mali 87 +13 7 22 58 4 0.3
Aruba 86 +4 27 59 805 1,058 9,910
French Guiana 83 43 40 1 278
Liechtenstein 79 +1 1 55 23 2,072 26 900 23,605
Togo 76 +3 3 25 48 9 0.4 2,069 250
Barbados 67 +1 4 +1 11 52 4 233 14 694 2,415
Ethiopia 65 +9 3 +1 4 58 1 0.6 0.03 3,232 28
Jamaica 63 4 13 46 21 1 907 306
Congo 60 5 5 50 11 0.9
Uganda 53 53 1 3,310 72
French Polynesia 51 51 182 744 2,649
Sint Maarten 50 +7 8 +2 3 39 2 1,166 187 134 3,125
Bermuda 48 4 25 19 2 771 64 354 5,684
Cayman Islands 45 1 6 38 685 15 479 7,288
Macao 45 10 35 1 69
Gabon 44 1 1 42 20 0.4
Bahamas 41 8 5 28 1 104 20
Zambia 40 +1 2 +1 25 13 1 2 0.1 1,239 67
Guyana 37 6 8 23 4 47 8 145 184
Liberia 37 +6 5 +1 3 29 7 1.0
Guinea-Bissau 36 36 18 1,500 762
Benin 35 +9 1 5 29 3 0.08
Eritrea 34 +1 34 10
Tanzania 32 +7 3 +2 5 24 0.5 0.05
Saint Martin 32 2 11 19 5 828 52
Haiti 31 +1 2 29 3 0.2 365 32
Myanmar 27 +4 3 2 22 0.5 0.06 1,406 26
Libya 24 1 8 15 3 0.1 492 72
Somalia 21 +9 1 1 19 1 0.06
Mozambique 20 +3 2 18 0.6 483 15
Angola 19 2 2 15 0.6 0.06
Antigua and Barbuda 19 2 17 1 194 20 40 408
Syria 19 2 4 13 1 0.1
Maldives 19 13 6 35
Equatorial Guinea 18 3 15 13 854 609
New Caledonia 18 1 17 63 2,608 9,135
Dominica 16 +1 5 11 222 309 4,293
Fiji 16 +1 16 18
Laos 16 16 2 1,035 142
Mongolia 16 4 12 5
Namibia 16 3 13 6 362 142
Sudan 15 2 2 11 0.3 0.05
Saint Lucia 15 +1 1 14 82
Curaçao 14 1 7 6 85 6
Grenada 14 +2 14 2 124 92 818
Zimbabwe 13 +2 3 10 0.9 0.2 438 29
Botswana 13 1 12 6 0.4 1,154 491
St. Vincent Grenadines 12 1 11 108 56 505
Eswatini 12 7 5 10
Chad 11 2 9 0.7
Greenland 11 11 0 194 770 13,564
Saint Kitts and Nevis 11 11 207 197 3,703
Seychelles 11 11 112
Belize 10 +1 2 +1 8 1 25 5 364 915
Suriname 10 1 4 5 17 2
MS Zaandam 9 2 7
Malawi 9 +1 1 8 1 0.5 0.05
Nepal 9 1 8 0.3 3,524 121
Montserrat 9 9 1 1,803 36 7,212
Turks and Caicos 8 1 7 207 26 61 1,576
CAR 8 8 2
Vatican City 8 2 6 9,988
Sierra Leone 8 +1 8 1
Cabo Verde 7 1 1 5 13 2
Mauritania 7 1 2 4 2 0.2 258 55
Nicaragua 7 1 6 1 0.2
St. Barth 6 1 5 607
Bhutan 5 2 3 6 1,166 1,511
Falkland Islands 5 1 4 1,437 137 39,368
Gambia 4 1 2 1 2 0.4
Sao Tome and Principe 4 4 18 19 87
South Sudan 4 +1 4 0.4
Western Sahara 4 4 7
Anguilla 3 3 200
British Virgin Islands 3 3 99
Burundi 3 3 0.3
Caribbean Netherlands 2 2 76 10 381
Papua New Guinea 2 2 0.2 72 8
Timor-Leste 2 +1 1 1 2
Saint Pierre Miquelon 1 1 173
Yemen 1 +1 1 0.03
Total: 1,685,533 +81,881 102,099 +6,407 375,221 1,208,213 49,774 216.2 13.1
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