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DVD lejátszó, nincs kép, csak hang. Miért?

Figyelt kérdés

Vettem édesanyámnak egy DVD lejátszót, annyira nem lehet régi, mert HDMI is van rajta.( A tv-je régebbi, Scart csatlakozóval van összekötve vele.)

Összekötöttem a TV-vel, de csak hang van . Eredeti filmmel is próbáltam, de úgy is.

Mi lehet a baj? köszönöm.

2015. ápr. 23. 10:54
 1/6 anonim ***** válasza:
Próbáltad másik SCART kábellel?
2015. ápr. 23. 10:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/6 anonim ***** válasza:
Mi a DVD és a TV típusa?
2015. ápr. 23. 10:58
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/6 A kérdező kommentje:

Próbáltam igen.

A dvd Samsung, a Tv azt hiszem Panasonic, de pontos típust nem tudok mondani, nem ott vagyok.

2015. ápr. 23. 11:06
 4/6 Tengor ***** válasza:
Minden AV csatornán ugyan ez a jelenség?
2015. ápr. 23. 11:08
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/6 A kérdező kommentje:
Igen. :S
2015. ápr. 23. 11:18
 6/6 anonim ***** válasza:

Nincs sok választási lehetőség:

I Have Audio But No Video

If you are getting audio but no video, there are three possible issues:

A connection issue. This is the most common issue. Many times the issue is an improper installation or a bad cable

There is an issue with the device connected to the TV. There may be a video output setting on the device that you must set properly before it will output to the TV

There is something wrong with the TV.

Troubleshooting for all 3 issues is below.

Note: If you are getting an error message on the screen such as "Check Signal Cable" or "Not Supported Mode" please go to the "No Video/ Error Message On Screen" section of this guide.

Finding the Source of the Problem

To find the source of the problem, follow these steps:

First press the MENU button on your remote control and on the television. If you are able to see the menu then continue to step 2 if you do not see the menu then your TV will need service. Please click on the "create new service" button located on the bottom of the page.

On the back of the TV and the device you have connected, make sure that none of the connecting cables are loose or attached to the wrong jack. Look in the "Connecting Various Devices" section of this troubleshooting guide or your user's manual for the correct method of connecting the cables. To go to the connection section of this guide, click here. If you are still having the problem, continue to the next step.

Check the settings on the device you connected to the TV. There may be a switch or button that turns its different outputs on and off. If you are still having the problem, continue to the next step.

Example: Some of DirecTV's HD boxes have an "output mode" button that switches between component out and DVI out.

Replace the connection cables. If you are still having the problem, continue to the next step.

Connect another device to the same input. If you get an image from the new device, there is an issue with the original device you connected.

Example: If your cable box is not working on component, disconnect it and try a DVD player on the same component input.

If you still have audio but no video after trying all of the steps above, there is a problem with the TV. Please click the Create Online Service Request button below to set up service for your TV.

2015. ápr. 23. 12:36
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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