Mi a külömbség a Normal és az Unlocker között? Itt egy oldal: www.whited00r.com/iPhone3G? Lang=en&install=1

Ott leirja:
"Please download Whited00r Normal version if you can legitimately activate you device via iTunes AND you don’t need carrier unlock. You do not need the unlocked version if your device is factory unlocked (as Italian iPhone 3G) or you are using the iPhone with the official carrier that sold you the device. All other users should choose Whited00r Unlocked firmwares because they need carrier unlock. Whited00r firmwares preserve your iPhone 3G baseband. Whited00r Unlocked firmware works perfectly on iPad Baseband 6.15.00, but we suggest to downgrade it following this guide: Baseband Unlock"
Mas neven - akkor toltsd le a Normal valtozatot, ha nem blockolt eszkozrol van szo, iTunes tudja aktivalni, es nem akarod fuggetleniteni. Az Unlocker valtozat pedig fuggetleniti a telefont.
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