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A gyári ZTE bade 2.2-es rom az Gingerbread vagy froyo?

Figyelt kérdés
2011. szept. 29. 15:05
 1/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Ja T-mobilos vagyok.
2011. szept. 29. 15:08
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:
2011. szept. 29. 15:34
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Cupcake (v1.5) - Debuted in Fall 2008

Key additions: Speech recognition tools, a virtual keyboard, video upload support for YouTube and support for live data feeds and live folders

Donut (v1.6) - Debuted in Fall 2009

Key additions: Support for CDMA smartphones, additional screen sizes and a text-to-speech engine

Eclair (v2.0) - Debuted in October 2009

Key additions: Support for multi-touch devices, new browser interface, Microsoft Exchange support, single interface for managing multiple online accounts, soft keys support, and an enhanced camera app (with digital zoom and flash support)

FroYo (v2.2) - Debuted in Fall 2010

Key additions: USB tethering support (for turning a smartphone into a Wi-Fi hotspot), significant speed improvements, Flash 10.1 support, voice dialing over Bluetooth, the ability to store apps on external memory cards, updated browser with Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript

Gingerbread (v2.3) - Debuted in December 2010

Key additions: Google Voice over Wi-Fi, enhanced gaming functionality, improved Google Apps

Honeycomb (v3.0) - Debuted in February 2011

Key additions: A tablet-centric update that delivers a new interface optimized for devices with larger screen sizes (particularly tablets), video chat support based on Google Talk protocols, new System Bar for global status and notifications and Action Bar for application control, tabbed Web browsing, optimized soft keyboard and a new email interface

Ice Cream (v3.0) - Expected to debut in June of July 2011

Anticipated key additions: A smartphone-centric update that brings many of Honeycomb's features to smartphones

2011. szept. 29. 22:04
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