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Ha wizzair-rel megyek Angliába, tényleg kapok ingyen O2 kártyát?

Figyelt kérdés
(ez egy ottani mobilszolgáltató)
2010. aug. 3. 11:32
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Nem hinném.
2010. aug. 3. 11:48
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 Jovanny ***** válasza:

2009 szeptemberi hír volt, nem tudom megy-e még a promó. 100 perc hívást fogadhat ingyen a kártyával, ha 15 fontért vásárol itt-ott.

Wizz Air changes an aviation paradigm

Monday, September 28, 2009

Wizz Air, the largest low fare - low cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe, announced that they have contracted with OnBoard Media Group, a US company, to provide seatback advertising on all of its aircraft.

“In today’s world economy, every airline is called upon to generate non-ticket revenue to maintain affordable airfares for the customers. This leading-edge program will generate substantial advertising revenue without having to compromise our focus on operational efficiency” said Abran Gyorgy, Chief Commercial Officer of Wizz.

The first advertiser launching with this new campaign will be UK-based 02 with a promotion for their Your Country SIM Card program. All Wizz Air passengers will benefit from this promotion, which will also be featured in the onboard WIZZ Magazine. Wizz Air flight attendants will offer a free SIM card to passengers on 19 flights arriving daily into the UK. “This card allows travelers to receive up to 100 free international calling minutes using their cell phones when they purchase £15 at any WH Smith store in the airports, or all good stationers, newsagents and supermarkets in the UK. Passengers will also be able to make international calls, beyond the 100 free minutes, from the UK at a substantially lower price than provided by a home cell phone,” said Tim Rasbash, Account Director for O2 Your Country sim.

“We at OnBoard Media Group are very pleased to launch our in-cabin advertising program with these two excellent companies. This is a perfect venue for both Wizz Air and 02, who lead their industries in fearless thinking and cutting-edge programs,” said Kelly Shelnutt, COO of OnBoard Media Group.

2010. aug. 3. 13:35
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim válasza:
Igen!! Én kettőt is kaptam =)
2010. nov. 24. 09:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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