Mit jelent egészen pontosan az a fej, ami a billentyűzet alatt van?

Ennek a neve Trollface (vagy Coolface) a lényege, hogy ha valakit becsapnak, vagy keresztbe tesznek neki ott van ez a fej. Esetleg még be van vágva szövegként, hogy: Problem?
Ezt meg a neten találtam:
A trollface(coolface) eredete:
Trollface (often referred to by newfags as Coolface) is a meme originating from an MS Paint comic by a TARTlet named Whynne that rightly describes the nature of trolling as a cop-out. First rearing its ugly head on the mortal plane in 4chan's /v/ around November 2008, it has been shown to catch on easily in other parts of the Internet inhabited by stupid trolls (i.e. all of it). Trollface's proliferation was aided in no small part by the fact that his ridiculous grin is scientifically proven to induce intense levels of lulz in many individuals and to cool down any situation by over 2,000%
FUN FACT: Whynne claims the face resulted from his attempt to draw Rape Rodent. Though he failed to capture the exact essence of the original image, the artist unintentionally gave birth to a meme of greater popularity than the one he was mimicking.
szummaszummázva: 4chanról, mint nagyjából minden más egyéb meme is, miután Whynne aki egy DeviantArt felhasználó rajzolt egy képregényt az internetes trollkodásról.

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