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Tudnátok nekem ebből egy összefoglalást írni?

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2017. nov. 13. 19:12
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
2017. nov. 14. 04:38
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:

Internet can be very useful for fiding information for work, school or fun. There are many positive aspects of the internet because the internet has helped us a lot in ithproving our lives. It is overusing of the internet that has many negative aspects.

For example, i want to write an essay for school . I go online on Google for the information i need. But i have to be very careful with the information I'm choosing because on the internet everyone cn post whatever information they want, reliable or not.

A positive aspect of the internet than can become negative is that of being able to communicate with other peoples who are miles away from you. We can now communicate through e-mails, messenger send videos, photos etc. This means of conmunication is very useful in business, where different business partners can discuss business problems even if they are far away from each other. This means of love communication is very popularamong us, the teenagers. We love talking to our parents who sometimes are far awy from us or with our friends ,sending them all sorts of funny pictured,music and movies.

But all thus can lead to estrangement, lack of real-communication,isolation if ee use it in excess. Also, children sometimes talk to strangers and this has become a major concern for their parents.

Some people believe that the internet is gratly helping in the spreading of the globalization and this can be very damaging for small cultures due to their absorption by the bigger and stronger ones. People use the same language on the internet, share values, find the same information and commuunicates at the same leves. Young people are not concered that much anymore with theirown ancestors, values but with the new values belonging to the world's cmommunity, that of the global village we are all creating with more ir less awareness.

In my opinion, using the internet to dind information, to talk to friends is OK, as long as we don't forget that their is a whole world outside the for walls we live in that really hopes to be discovered by us

2017. nov. 14. 06:04
 3/3 A kérdező kommentje:
Uristen leírtam atz egészet🤣😂😐🤔
2017. nov. 14. 06:04

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