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A fordítás:
The abortion
Nowadays, more and more comes up this theme. These lines are all worth reading.
FIRST also outlined the two options, or if you are pregnant: elvetélteted or keep the baby. First, let's look at the latter incident. Several reasons can lead to this recourse: they might be young; They might even have plans for the future; you may not know to bring up; They may have been raped; It may be that the baby will be sick. In each case, I understand, maybe even thinking about abortion, but think about it: this is nothing more than shedding innocent blood. That someone is a true living soul in there. In Hungary, there are two ways to kill them. Both are after the same end result: fetal body parts in pieces. They made a documentary (Silent scream), which illustrate and explain how hohy intruder is detected in the uterus instrumentation for the presence of the fetus, and how it tries - unsuccessfully - to flee the életveszélytől. For this, what they speak those who say that this is just a bunch of dead tissue? If you do not think of it, now it has become clear to you that it would be wrong to do so, is not it? In addition to causing problems for her / woman, no matter how much it seems that this is the easiest válsztás. Infection can occur, which, if left untreated, it can have serious consequences: infertility, and death. Psychological consequences as a syndrome, called PAS (= ost-abortion syndrome abortion trauma after him) can occur. The people who have had an abortion often deny they did not face the truth. Then, they are unable to freely enjoy life and relationships. Not everyone will be displayed immediately, it may take a long time to come later. The psychological pain can manifest physical symptoms as well. The dullness and afterward surgery for stress disorders can show up magatartásbeliviselkedédi well. The number of suicidal thoughts is much higher than in those who have never undergone abortions. Sometimes it sticks to the existing children of parents not being able to develop a healthy parent-child relationship. This significantly affects children's networking capability, so the next generation can detect the effect of a bad decision.
Worth it? So let's look at another option.
I choose to bring to light the baby. Imagine: it may be he will be a school principal; it may be a politician; You may be a scientist who discovers medicine against cancer. Or an Olympic athlete. We do not know, but I do know that we have a valuable person in the world. And if you were born with disabilities? God has a plan for every person. Even the most vulnerable, the weakest, most vulnerable as well. What happens if you can not elvállani the gyeremeknevelést? Calm down, a lot of childless couples waiting for a newborn baby. Although this is not an easy decision.
The choice is in your hands. Choose Life!

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