Az Assasins Creed játékokban/trailerekben mit jelképez a sas?

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According to Jade Raymond, the series' eagle symbolism came about when the Assassin's Creed creative team realized the Assassin's predatory nature was akin to a bird-of-prey. Following this idea, they designed the character's robes to resemble an eagle and named him Altaïr.[6]
◾The names Aquilus, Ezio, Haytham, Arno, Arbaaz and Orelov are also associated with eagles.
◾Desmond Miles possessed a tattoo on his left forearm, the top part of which resembled an eagle with its wings spread.
◾The eagle's cry heard throughout the series is, in reality, the cry of a red-tailed hawk. [citation needed]
◾Connor's ship's name, Aquila, means "eagle" in Latin and Italian; also, the name Jackdaw is related to eagles, being a reference to the fable of the Eagle and the Jackdaw.

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