Heló! Tudnátok szokatlan nehéz, és kevésbé nehéz kérdéseket írni?

Mi Arya Stark halál-listája? (angolul indoklással) ((könnyű))
+oldás : Ser Amory Lorch - For killing Yoren.
Queen Cersei Lannister - For her father, for Lady, and for everyone in the Stark household who were killed.
Chiswyck - For capturing them, for thinking that Polliver taking her Needle was funny.
Dunsen - For capturing them, for taking Gendry's bull's horn helmet
Ser Gregor Clegane - For capturing them, for being the main reason they were tortured
Ser Ilyn Payne - For chopping off her father's head
King Joffrey Baratheon - For her father, for Lady, and for everyone in the Stark household who were killed.
Ser Meryn Trant - For killing Syrio Forel
Polliver - For capturing them, for taking Needle from her
Raff the Sweetling - For capturing them, for killing Lommy Greenhands
Sandor Clegane (as The Hound) - For Mycah, and later on for the way he treats her in the Riverlands, for not going to rescue her brother or her mother at the Twins
The Tickler - For the torture of all the captives
Weese - For mistreating her in Harrenhal
meik barátök közt epizódnak van teljes értéke? ((nehéz))
válasz : Egyiknek se. :)
Sorold fel a bolygokat a naphoz közeledve!
(egyépként a már ilyen nagy ész vagy nézd meg a morgan freeman a fereglyukon at c musorat hetkoznap este.)
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