Van benne valami hiba? Min javítanátok rajta?
My Future
I know, I will be a modell, because I want it. Because I will be a modell, I think I'll travel a lot. I will go to Paris, New York, Las Vegas and another places. Once I will travel around the world. When I will too old, to a lot travel, I'll make family. I'll want a big wedding. My husband will be a modell too, and he will love me a lot. I think I'll have one, two or three children. One of them will be a girl, and her name will Isabelle, because I will live in USA. If I'll have three children, another will boys, and their name will Kevin and Peter. I'll want a peaceful family when I'll grow up.
When I am too old for traveling, I'll start a family.
"I want a big wedding" vagy "I'll have a big wedding".
...and her name will be...
If I have three children, the another two will be boys named Kevin and Peter.
vagy a Te verzióddal:
If I have three children, the another two will be boys and their names will be Kevin and Peter.
I want a peaceful family when I grow up. (Ide semmiképp nem kell will.)
Mondjuk az is furcsa, hogy "I know, I will be a model", mivel terveket inkább a "going to"-val fejezünk ki.
Nem tudom, azt is tanultátok-e.
I know (that) I'm going to be a model...
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