Angolra kellene megírnom egy levelet, és ebben tudnátok nekem segíteni?
Feladat: Read a fragment of a letter that you have just received from your Irish friend Jane: I have heard that your brother Mark has a new girlfriend? Can you tell me something more about her? I am dying to hear some jiucy gossip ;)
Write a letter of 100-120 words to Jane in which you will: -explain how and where Mark met his new girlfriend, -describe the appearance and character features of Mark's new girlfrien, -express your opinion about the new relationship and ask Jane her opinion
Begin like this: Hi Jane,
Én ezt írtam, de biztos, hogy nem jó.. :/
Hi Jane,
I haven't seen you for ages. I have just red your letter.
I tell you to Mark's girlfriend.
She is average height and thin. She has long blonde straight hair and blue eyes. She is ver helpful, patient and reliable, but sometimes shy and lazy. Mark went away to go on an excursion into Paris, and into a hotel they both lodged. They met in the Hotel's Restaurant. Mark and his new girlfriend look well together according to me. According to Jane is very happy and she found the real one.
I must finish now. I hope I could help you.
Bye ....

Leírom, hogy szerintem hogy lenne helyes, aztán majd meglátjuk :D
Hi Jane,
I haven't seen you for ages. I have just read your letter.
So, I tell you about Mark's girlfriend.
She is average height and thin. She has long blonde straight hair and blue eyes. She is ver helpful, patient and reliable, but sometimes shy and lazy. Mark went on an excursion to Paris, and they stayed in the same hotel. They met in the Hotel's Restaurant. Mark and his new girlfriend look well together to my mind. Mark says, she's very happy and feels she found the real one.
I must finish it now. I hope I could help you.
Bye ....
Az "according to" szerintem ide túl hivatalos volt, ezért kicseréltem a "szerintem" esetében "to my mind"-ra.
Ugyanabban a hotelben szálltak meg, az szerintem inkább: stay at the same hotel.
De ha találtok benne bibit, akkor javítsatok ki.
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