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Angolból van házink és nem nagyon értem valai segítene kitölteni?

Figyelt kérdés

Ez a feladat:

Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in the Past

Simple. Make one of the verbs negative.

marry earn die stay come be born become

have help work study speak stop like Ezeket lehet beírni

My grandparents (1) ____________ in Hungary in the

1920s. They (2) ____________ to England in 1946, after

the war.My grandfather worked in a factory in

Birmingham and he (3) ____________ English at night.

My grandmother (4) ____________ at home because she

only (5) ____________ Hungarian and so she couldn’t

get a job. Life was difficult because my grandfather

(6)____________ much money in the factory.My

grandparents (7) ____________ three children,my

mother and my two uncles. They (8) ____________ their

parents as much as they could.My grandparents

(9) ____________ work when they were sixty and they

liked having a lot of free time together. Unfortunately,

my grandfather (10) ____________ in 1994, but my

grandmother is still alive.

2012. márc. 5. 17:17
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:









9-like valószínűleg


2012. márc. 5. 17:48
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
köszi és akkor ezeket tegyem át past simplebe
2012. márc. 5. 17:52

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