Tudok ezen az oldalon vásárolni?
Erre az oldalra gondolsz?
Amikor a fizetéshez mész, ki lehet választani Magyarországot szállítási címként.
a fenti oldalról bemásolom a kért infókat:
kártyával tudsz fizetni.
Payment Methods
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payment for your order from all major credit cards - American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Discover - and PayPal. PayPal can only be used for orders in US Dollars; please use a credit card for orders in other currencies.
Sales tax may apply to your order and will be calculated at checkout.
Worldwide Shipping
We Ship Worldwide!
From our primary warehouse in Virginia, USA we are able to ship to nearly any address in the world. For your convenience, we make a limited selection of products available in additional warehouses located outside the U.S.. For the largest selection of products, please select USD (United States Dollars) as your currency.
The cost of delivery calculated during checkout is based on weight of the package and its destination. To determine the shipping options and charges available for your order, simply proceed to our Secure Checkout and enter a shipping address.
What about duties, customs, and additional fees?
Please be aware that all orders shipping outside of the United States, no matter which shipping option is used, may be subject to additional duties, import taxes, or brokerage or customs fees upon delivery. These fees are calculated by your local government customs officials and we cannot estimate them prior to shipment. While we take steps to minimize or eliminate the cost of importing for our customers, we are required by law to provide accurate information to customs officials. Marking an order as a 'Gift' will not prevent fees from being charged.
Delays in customs are becoming increasingly common. Final delivery may take longer to some international destinations due to border restrictions and potential holds at customs. Unfortunately, we cannot control or prevent this type of delay. Please be sure to include a local telephone number and email where you can be reached when placing your order. We recommend checking with your local customs authorities in advance of ordering to determine your country's specific import requirements.
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