Stewardess szeretnék lenni, mennyire kell rendben lenni a fogaimnak?

Szépek, majd kifehéríttetem, de a tömések nem látszanak mosolygásnál, viszont azt olvastam, hogy baj az amalgám.
Annyira gázak, hogy nem érne meg kicseréltetni, viszont most egy ilyen hülyeség miatt momdjak le az álmomról.
Ezt találtam:
The dental standards expected r the following:
- Teeth should be free from caries/cavities/decay and all necessary filling completed.
- Roots etc. should be removed and sockets clean, uninfected and healthy.
- Temporary filling r not acceptable.
- Gingiva and oral cavity to be free from infection or disease.
- Teeth should be free from plaque, scaled and polished. Good level of periodontal health.
- Crown & bridgework, if present, should be in good condition.
- Dentures, if applicable, should be in good condition and fit properely.
- Root canal treatment (RCT) should be complete & satisfactory. For recent RCT, a post treament periapical X-ray should be supplied.
- Widsom teeth which r normally symptom free (i.e which do not compromise adjacent teeth or do not create reccurent infections) don not require removal.
- Gaps/missing teeth do not need to be replaced by bridges etc. if posterior and unnoticeble.
- Dentition should be of a cosmetically acceptable appearance.

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