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Mi a különbség a Littmann Classic II és II SE között?

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#Littmann #fondendoszkóp
2016. júl. 9. 14:32
 1/1 anonim ***** válasza:

3M™ Littmann® Classic II S.E. Stethoscopes

Commonly Asked Questions


How is the Classic II S.E. different from the original Classic II stethoscope?


In 1996, a decision was made to replace the standard floating diaphragm on the

Classic II with the tunable diaphragm. The result was the S.E., or special

edition of the Classic II.


Can I put a tunable diaphragm on my older Classic II, turning it into an S.E., or

special edition?


No, the metal portion of the chestpiece has to have an attenuating ring present

under the diaphragm. The ring is formed during the manufacturing process. Older

Classic II chestpieces do not have an attenuating ring, which is an essential part

of the tunable technology.


Why would I want to have a tunable diaphragm on a two-sided stethoscope?


A tunable diaphragm offers convenience and versatility. A tunable diaphragm

on a two-sided stethoscope offers one the choice of using it as a traditional

stethoscope, or using only the diaphragm side for both low- and high-frequency


Tehát lecserélték az eredeti membránt egy hangolhatóra, ami kényelmet és sokoldalúságot nyújt.

Általában a két félév között kedvezményesen lehet fonendoszkópot venni, ha netán orvostanhallgató lennél, és ilyet vennél.

2016. júl. 9. 17:13
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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