igen, a lába alatt lévő betű méret alapján kifejezetten luxpup... ezeket a kutyákat hivják még teacup puppiesnak is, koreában gyártják őket különböző kutyafajtákból, és "felnőtt" korukra is ekkorák maradnak. igazából nem is élik meg a felnőtt kort, ahogy több fórumon olvastam a legöregebb is 3 hónapot birt a gazdájánál. Az ára amúgy kb ezer dollár.
Ezt a kinézetűt pedig a pomerániai törpespitzből készítették

ha ilyen keveset él,akkor mi értelme csórit gyártani??:O
inkább vegyenek kisnyulat vagy mit tudom én...ennek így semmi értelme szerintem:S

vélemény egy oldalról ahogy a jajdecuinekemiskellegyilyen hozzászólások vannak:
I got two maltese puppies from Luxpups. They do look how they look in their pictures. I got my first one who ended up going blind from a very rare syndrome called white spot syndrome. She was blind for a few month and then some of her sight came back. I couldn't hold this against luxpups because even the eye vet is unsure why it happens. So almost a year later I got our next maltese pup from luxpups. 6000$ for the dogs and over 15, 000$ in medical bills lets just say DO NOT PURCHASE A DOG FROM THIS COMPANY. My first dog has lost her sight again, they said it's not her eyes and that its most likely her brain, which will cost thousands more to find out. If it is her brain, she will die. Also my second puppy has been very sick since a month after i got her, she has inherited a very weak immune system and has sores all over her body and is itchy all the time. She has only one more options with medication treatments and the vets are nervous to give it to her cause it may kill her or cause severe neurological disorders. But she may also die without the treatments. I can have kids, these dogs are my everything and the fact that my 1 and 2 yr old dogs may die from strange illnesses is awful. I syringe my one dog her food and water everyday for every meal and have been since a month after I got her. This company is breeding very sick dogs and then sticking a very big price tag on them. This whole situation s heart breaking and sickening. Please dont but yourself or your family through this.
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