Néhány éve volt egy pálmaolaj ellenes kampány, de azóta mintha alább hagyott volna a dolog. Volt valami hatása? Hogy áll most az erdőírtás az orángutánok élőhelyein? Vannak friss adatok?
Ez a cikk gondolom nem friss. Érdekelnének 2022-es adatok, és hogy a tendencia folytatódik-e?
A 2021-22-es kutatasok szerint ma mar nem annyira a palmaolaj-ultetvenyek, hanem inkabb az iparifa-ultetvenyek jelentik a legsulyosabb problemat az orangutanok elohelyei szamara, egyreszt azert, mert nagyobb teruletet foglalnak el, masreszt es fokent azert, mert ez idaig kevesbe voltak hajlandoak elfogadni azokat a kornyezetvedelmi celu korlatozasokat, amelyeket a palmaolaj-tarsasagok tobbsege (eppen a fent emlitett kampany hatasara) elfogadott. Indoneziaban a 21 legnagyobb olajpalma-termeszto tarsasag kozul 16 fogadta el ezeket a szabalyokat:
Orangutan habitat occurs in 898,652 hectares (2.22 million acres) of industrial tree plantations, according to Aidenvironment, while 4.76 million hectares (11.76 million acres) overlap with selective logging concessions. Oil palm concessions host 563,282 hectares (1.39 million acres). Industrial tree companies operate with much less transparency and scrutiny than the palm oil sector. And while they cover a smaller area of habitat than selective logging concessions, industrial tree plantations — by the very nature of their operations, which involve clearing vast swaths of forest — are what Aidenviroment calls “the key stakeholder.” It says this means more focus needs to be put into conserving orangutan habitat in industrial tree concessions, where trees are grown and cut to produce paper and textile fibers, as well as for timber and wood chips.
Of the 21 largest oil palm growers in Indonesia, 16 have adopted the so-called NDPE policy, which commits them to zero deforestation, no peatland development, and no exploitation of communities and workers. At the same time, the study found that only three of Indonesia’s 21 largest industrial tree growers have sustainability commitments that are close to palm oil NDPE policies: Sinar Mas, Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) and Marubeni.
Szoval, ugy latszik, hogy a kampanynak volt ertelme es hatasa.
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