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Mik a hibáim az alábbi angol szövegben?

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A kérdésem nem az lenne, hogy van -e benne hiba, mert biztos vagyok benne,hogy van szóval szeretném ha valaki átnézné és kijavítaná a mondatokat. Angol érettségis kép összehasonlításról van szó. Egyik képen egy piac van, a másikon pedig egy hús részleg ( mint ami van pl a tescpban, aldiban stb helyen.. :)


In the first picture we can see a market with lots of healthy vegetable and we can see some people too opposite the 2th photo about a meat department maybe in a big shopping center like for example Tesco, Aldi or Spar. Well i love know what i eat so i prefer the markets. Fortunately in it I or my mother can speka with the grower or a person who is know a lot of things about about that product he or she want to sell. In my opinion it is so important. But in a vig shop the customers don't know any things about the products because they are just workers and unfortunately a lot of product from abroud and we don't know what happened with them during the way. In my opinion fot he meat must have a lot of attention. And somedays when I'm walk in Penny and i see a disgusting one i am just thinking about who is pay for that. But of course the big shops has much advantages for example if somebody want to buy everything in one place it's the best for that person because in it there are mels,dairly, alcohol deportmant and we can save our time but int he markets it's not sure because on the market days the people go there and crowded is specific. And the most of people just go without their eyes. But if somebody have patient and time as well i can say the markets are better. By the wy our money stay in our country or city.

2016. okt. 15. 21:10
 1/5 anonim válasza:

2th? esetleg 2nd? "I love TO know..." "speka? -> speak?"

"who is know? -> who knows?" "about -about?" "he or she wantS to sell" "But in a vig shop...the whole sentence doesn't make sense -.-" "fot?" "Somebody wantS to buy" "alcohol deportmant? ->department?" "the people go there and crowded is specific?" WTF? :D "the most of people? -> most people?" "By the wAy"

2016. okt. 15. 22:03
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:

In the first picture we can see a market with lots of fresh vegetables. The second photo shows us a supermarket's meat section, similar to Tesco, Aldi or Spar.

I do like to know what I eat, therefore, I prefer the freshly and locally grown produce of a local garden market.

My mother and I, when we do our

shopping, can speak to the grower

who has produced the goods, who knows where they come from until they are sold. For me, this is very important.

Moving onto the second picture, in the big supermarkets, customers and staff don't know where products to be sold come from. Most of them are imported from abroad, we can't trace their origins. Often goods are not fully visible as they are pre-packaged.

Meat products need careful handling. Some days when I go into Penny's, I see pre-packaged meat, often off-colour and am wondering, who would buy them.

Naturally, big shops do have their advantages. A shopper can buy most of his weekly groceries in one place. The selection includes pre-cooked meals, dairy and meat departments and even a section selling alcohol.

Being able to buy all items on our shopping list under one roof in comfort is convenient.

Shopping at the local markets may be crowded, people walk without looking, specific produce may be unavailable on the day.

If we have the patience and the time, I would say, shopping at the market is better and our money stays in our country.

2016. okt. 16. 03:34
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 anonim ***** válasza:

In the first picture we can see a market with lots of healthy vegetable and we can see some people too.

-a too után én befejezném a mondatot

opposite the 2th photo about a meat department maybe in a big shopping center like for example Tesco, Aldi or Spar.

-én nem így kezdeném, valahogy nem hangzik jól. hanem pl: The second photo is the opposite: It's about...

-a like/for exaple-ből pedig csak az egyiket tartsd meg, a like-ot azt csak ilyen töltelékszónak szokták beszédben használni

Well i love know what i eat so i prefer the markets.

-az "I" legyen nagybetűvel, de gondolom ezt tudod, csak siettél

-love TO know, vagy pedig love knowING, a második inkább a szenvedélyt hangsúlyozza ki

Fortunately in it I or my mother can speka with the grower or a person who is know a lot of things about about that product he or she want to sell.

-én az anyukámat magam elé tenném

-speak, de gondolom, csak siettél

-who knows

-about elég egyszer (de gondolom csak siettél)

-wantS to sell (E/3!!!)

In my opinion it is so important.

-Én ezt nem tenném új mondatba, hanem az előző után írnám, hogy ", and in my opinion...", vagy a következő elé: "... important, because in a big shop..."

-én nem a "so"-t használnám, hanem a "very"-t mondjuk

But in a vig shop the customers don't know any things about the products because they are just workers and unfortunately a lot of product from abroud and we don't know what happened with them during the way.

-don't know anything

-is from abroad

-a végét talán úgy mondanám, hogy "during their way here"

In my opinion fot he meat must have a lot of attention.

-az in my opinion helyett kitalálhatnál valami mást, mert az előbb is azt írtad, az előző válaszoló pl nagyon szépen írta

And somedays when I'm walk in Penny and i see a disgusting one i am just thinking about who is pay for that.

-I walk in Penny and see

-I'm just thinking about who's paying for that.

But of course the big shops has much advantages for example if somebody want to buy everything in one place it's the best for that person because in it there are mels,dairly, alcohol deportmant and we can save our time but int he markets it's not sure because on the market days the people go there and crowded is specific.

-big shops HAVE!!! (has csak E/3-ban van, többesszámban nincs!)

-somebody wants to (E/3-ban kell az "s" az ige után!)

-mi az a mels?

-dairy products


-én úgy mondanám, hogy "SO we can save our time"

-az "in it"-et a department után tenném

-ez a mondat második fele kicsit zavaros, nem tudom, mit akarsz vele kifejezni, úgy talán értelmesebb lenne, hogy "but it's not sure in the markets, because it's only open on specific days so it becomes crowded"

And the most of people just go without their eyes.

-ezzel nem tudom, mit akarsz mondani, de úgy jobban hangzik, hogy "and most of the people" vagy "and the most people"

But if somebody have patient and time as well i can say the markets are better.


By the wy our money stay in our country or city.

-stayS (még mindig E/3)

-ez a by the way kicsit hülyén hangzik szerintem, én talán azt mondanám, hogy "and I must add..."

2016. okt. 16. 07:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:

"crowded is specific"

Kerdezo szt akarja irni, hogy a tomeg jellemzo, de igy a mondat rs ertelme sem jon ossze.

"go without eyes"

Azt akarja irni, hogy vakon/szem nelkul kozlekednek.

Ez, igy, megint nem jon ossze.

A husnak nem "lots of attention" kell, hanem "careful handling according to the health regulations".

2016. okt. 16. 07:53
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 anonim ***** válasza:
A ket kep osszehasonlitasanal nem "opposite" hanem "in contrast/ in comparison" kell.
2016. okt. 16. 07:57
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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