Sos. Letudná fordítani valaki?
Sokan azt gondolják, hogy nincs semmi veszélye az internetezésnek. Tévednek. Függővé válhat az ember és saját magát eléggé nagy bajba sodorhatja. Rosszindulatú idegennekkel ismerkedhetnek meg, akik másnak adják ki magukat.
Nem tesz jót a mai fiatalságnak, hogy folyton csak az internet előtt ülnek. Elhízáshoz, függőséghez vezet. Olyan barátaik lesznek akikkel csak az interneten beszélgetnek és ez se tesz jót nekik. Különböző rövidítéseket használnak, amik kihatással lesznek a helyesírásukra. Nem mennek ki az utcára, nem olvasnak és az internetezés a tanulás rovására is megy.
Az internet nagyon hasznos emelett. Rengeteg információhoz tudunk jutni rövid idő alatt, de csak akkor jó dolog, ha okosan használjuk. Nem chat-elünk vadidegenekkel (nem találkozunk velük) Ügyelünk, hogy milyen adatainkat adjuk meg. Ha ésszel használjuk igen is hasznos.
Many people think that there is no danger of the Internet. Wrong. Become dependent on others and put himself in trouble quite large. Malignant idegennekkel learn about who else they are issued.
Does not bode well for today's youth, just to keep the internet before they are seated. Obesity, is addictive. Have friends who will only talk about the Internet and it's not good for them. Various abbreviations are used, which will affect the helyesírásukra. Do not go out into the street, do not read the Internet and at the expense of learning is going.
The Internet is very useful floor. We can get lots of information in a short time, but only a good thing if used wisely. Vadidegenekkel not live in chat (I do not see them), attempt to define what our data. Very useful if used with intelligence.
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gyorsan összedobtam valamit
Many (would) think that using the internet is not dangerous at all. They are wrong.
One can become an addict and might get oneself into trouble.
One can get to know malicious people who might give you a false identity of themselves.
It does not do any good to the youth of today that they always surf on the internet.
This (behaviour) may lead to obesity and to addiction.
They will have such friends with whom they only talk on the internet, and this is not good either.
They use various abbreviations which have an impact on their spelling skills.
They don't go outside, they don't read and they surf on the internet at the expense of learning less.
Beside all of these the internet is very useful. One can obtain very much information in
a short period of time, but it's only good, if one uses it in a clever way.
One shouldn't chat with completely strangers (and shouldn't meet them either).
One should be careful what sort of information one shares. In case one uses the internet cleverly then it is clearly useful.
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